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Welcome to the NCC community. We're glad you found us!


We are a Presbyterian church formed around the purpose to share in life together while seeking what it means to love Christ.  Come as you are—we look forward to welcoming you to worship! New visitors come every week, so you won’t feel out of place. 




We worship every Sunday at 10 a.m. at 1020 Avondale Road, Suite 106, in Hendersonville, TN. We enjoy coffee and doughnuts every week before worship. Espresso beverages are also available for purchase through our youth-run coffee shop, Brew Creation. 




Sunday school is available during the worship service.


Ages 0-2: Nursery-aged kids can be checked in by their parents in Suite 106, then dropped off in our nursery in Suite 103. Our nursery is open at 9:50 a.m.


Ages 3-5: Preschoolers can be checked in by their parents Suite 106, then dropped off in our preschool classroom in Suite 103. Our preschool classroom is open at 9:50 a.m.


Grades K-5th: Elementary students are invited to sit with their parents in the worship hall to participate in the beginning of worship. After the kid's message, they will go into their assigned classroom for Sunday School.


Grades 6th-8th: Middle school students are invited to sit with their parents in the worship hall to participate in the beginning of worship. After our final song of preparation,"May the Words," youth will go into their assigned classroom for Sunday School.


Grades 9th-12th: High school students are invited to participate in the full worship service with adults.




How long are your worship services?


Our worship services typically last around 90 minutes.


Should I break out my finest church attire?​


Our worship services are casual, and we encourage you to "come as you are." You will see a variety of dress at NCC, and most of the folks on stage will be wearing jeans. But hey, if worshiping Jesus in a three-piece suit is your jam, we'll gladly accept you just the same.


Do I need to believe ____ to come to your church?


Nope. Just as we encourage you to "come as you are" physically, we also encourage you to "come as you are" spiritually. We embrace everyone, regardless of your faith background or where you are at on your faith journey.


I would like to sit in the back silently and go unnoticed. It that possible?


Well...not really. We are a relatively small community, and our worship services are typically very interactive. We encourage everyone to engage with a few new faces during our weekly mixer question at the beginning of worship. Don't worry, though—our community is warm and accepting to introverts and extroverts alike. ◡̈


What is your music like?


Our musical worship is primarily acoustic, and features a diverse selection of traditional hymns and contemporary Christian songs.


Do you serve communion?


We serve communion on the first Sunday of each month, and during special services such as Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday. We offer traditional communion by intinction, gluten-free communion, and COVID-conscious personal communion cups. Everyone is invited to participate in communion, regardless of age, denomination or beliefs.


How much am I expected to give?


If you are visiting our church, you are not expected to give. This worship service is our gift to you! If you decide to make New Creation your church home, we encourage church members to engage in the spiritual act of tithing.


Can I watch your worship service online?


Yes! Our worship service is live-streamed every week on our Facebook page.


I will only attend church if I am guaranteed a Shipley's blueberry cake doughnut every week. Can you guarantee that?​


Yes. Yes we can.



Worship Space:
1020 Avondale Road
Suite 106
Hendersonville, TN 37075

Kid's Church, NCC Youth and Offices:
1020 Avondale Road
Suite 103
Hendersonville, TN 37075
Weekly on Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Keith Gunter • Pastor

John Radzimanowski • Children & Youth Director

Ally Lubera • Music Director & Ministry Assistant

Aubrey Iwan • Assistant Children's Director

Christy Koster • Finance Coordinator


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