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Daily Advent Devotional

December 10, 2024
Herold Foster
By Keith Gunter

One of my favorite verses in the Christmas story that I could preach on every year is not about Mary, Joseph or the angels. It’s not even specifically about Jesus. It is about the magi (wise men, three kings, or whatever you like to call them). It comes in Matthew 2, after they have seen Jesus and are making their exit. Pick your favorite version:

“And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.” Matthew 2:12-23 (ESV)

“In a dream, they were warned not to report back to Herod. So they worked out another route, left the territory without being seen, and returned to their own country.” Matthew 2:12-23 (MSG)

   First, I feel like it’s a big deal that this happened “in a dream.” Scripture is clear: followers of Jesus are people who dream. Dreams are mysterious, but they also give us a space to hope.  
   Second, they did not go back to what was unhealthy. Herod represents an old way of life. While I think any “Herod” can be redeemed, this was not the role of the magi. They had to release old instructions—and an old way of life—to receive new life.
   Finally, they returned—and here’s my favorite part—“by another way”! Meeting Jesus, a humble savior, seeing those in the margins being lifted up, and connecting to a God “with us” was enough to change the very way in which they returned home.
   When I was a kid, Harold Foster lived on the church grounds in Moore, South Carolina—the home of my dad’s first church. Mr. Foster, who was 75+, had the role of taking care of the church grounds, cemetery, and general maintenance. He did so faithfully, lived simply humbly, and at a pace that savored life. Knowing Mr. Foster has shaped how I live (or, at least, how I hope to live).

Reflection Questions:

•Who have you met that has impacted you to pursue another way?
•How has coming to know Jesus called you to a new way of life?
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